Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wavelength and Frequency

In this short laboratory, an experiment was devised to find some mathematical relationship between wavelength and frequency of a wave.  The theoretical result is known to be an inverse relationship as described by the equation:

The experiment, devised among 2 lab partners and I was outlined and data was tabulated on a white board (Displayed on the steps below).


Steps needed in our experiment.

The task of finding data for frequency was simplified by counting the time for 30 oscillations, dividing this number by 30, then finding the inverse (averaging 30 oscillations gives a better approximation).

Put on an Excel sheet:

wavelengthtrial 1trial 2trial 3
Trial 1 periodTrial 2 periodTrial 3 periodAve periodfrequency

Average Frequency vs Wavelength was graphed with the data above 


The result obtained was close to linear, but we were nonetheless able to fit an inverse onto the data.  There is a clear relationship describing a decreasing wavelength as frequency is increased.  This was definitely the case in our experiment as our effort to create a standing wave was eased as we increased distance from one another (less up and down motion required).  The exponent of this graph is at -1.22 which is near the expected value of -1  since

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